Experimental walks consists of three experimental walks and three experimental books, each book represent a different walk. Broadcasting place acted as a center of all the walks as it was the center of my work. The walks allowed me to explore and think about how I felt and note where my mind wanders; this allowed me get more out of the walks and create more interesting work.
Sqaure Walk
The Square Walk is a walk that goes in a square around broadcasting tower and everything done and ate on the walk was square or square related.
Otley Run walk
The Otley Run is a famous pub-crawl in Leeds with sixteen pubs from higher Headingly to Leeds city center. For this walk I drank half a pint of Cider Black in each pub, after finishing the drink I went outside and drew the pub. By the last pub I had drank eight pints and drew all sixteen pubs.
Time Walk
The Time Walk started at broadcasting place at sunrise and finish at sun set on a busy road on the way to Ripon. For the walk I used a compass and followed north meaning I didnâ??t know where I would be going. The walk consisted of taking a picture every 5minutes of my watch to create a stop motion of the walk, but also to take a picture of what was above below and in front every hour.
Time Walk Stop Motion